
The research called “Media and Frontier: local newspapers in Uruguaina-Libres and Livramento-Rivera” was concluded in 2003. It was the first essay that deal with the national frontiers, which work with Brazil and its South America neighbor countries.
From this study, other discussions appeared and new researches have been prepared. First of all, the text, that has been chosen to be publicized in this site, deals with the frontier issues among Brazil, neighbor countries, and the Latin America population.
The research is based at Communication Science field, but it also deals, as it must be, with the other social fields, which are analyzed as well as they are part of the complex plot of the social system.
This site aims to publicize studies and works that deal with frontiers. Its construction is still under preparation. Nonetheless, it has some texts that have as main subject geopolitics frontiers, the human being who is part of those spaces – between them the immigrant, in particular the Palestinian-Arabic -, the culture and the frontier identity, the oscileslation between local and international and, in particular, the communication process and the social practices that have been developed, which are publicized by the local media.

Karla Maria Muller
Lecturer of the Communication Postgraduation at Faculty of Communication and Librarianship of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul State
Porto Alegre/Rio Grande do Sul State/Brazil/ Latin America
E-mail address: [email protected]


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